Achieve results you never thought you could with our 28 Day Quick Detox or 90 Day Reset & Realign alcohol-free challenges.
Regain control of your drinking habits
“It sounds dramatic—but doing an OYNB challenge transformed my life.”
Hangovers aren’t funny any more—and every time, you ask yourself “Why did I do it again?”
“I just achieved my own personal goal for weight loss, reaching my ideal weight and losing almost 5st in the process.”
“Being present and in the moment with my daughter is such a precious gift. I’m more aware of her needs than when I was constantly tired and sluggish.”
“The plan was always to reset the relationship with the booze. Will I drink again? Never say never, but I know I can take it or leave it.”
Take control of your drinking habits
With our alcohol-free challenges, you’re in control. You choose the package, when you want to start, and whether you drink again afterwards.
You’ll love how you feel being alcohol-free
So what are these OYNB challenges?
Our proven challenges guide and support you through a set alcohol-free period.
We know that people have different reasons for wanting to change their relationship with alcohol. So whether you want to give your system a short break or take time to establish healthy habits, we’ve got the package for you.
It’s that simple. We empower you with all the tools and resources you need to take a complete break from alcohol and achieve your goals.
"What have you got to lose?" —Leigh
of members feel
less anxiety
Successfully reset your habits with our proven programme
Our programme of daily motivational emails and videos will help you learn:
- Day-to-day coping strategies
- How to manage stress and your emotions without alcohol
- How to deal with beer pressure
- How skipping the booze actually means more fun, because you have the energy to enjoy life
Regain control of your drinking habits
Achieve results you never thought you could with our Quick Detox or Reset & Realign alcohol-free challenges.
of our members change their drinking habits
through one of our alcohol-free challenges
"Hands-down the best decision I ever made." —Sara
Feeling the FOMO?
If thoughts like these are running through your head, you’re not alone!
“I won’t be able to enjoy a night out without drinking.”
“I won’t know what to say when people ask why I’m not drinking.”
“This isn’t the right time, I have events coming up.”
“My friends will think I’m boring.”
But you know what? It’s not true!
We’ve all been conditioned from a young age to accept alcohol as a natural part of our culture. But just think—how many times have you regretted having a drink? And how many times have you been relieved you didn’t?
You may be afraid of missing out, but you’re actually missing out on being the best version of yourself.
Our challenges will show you how to take control, have fun without alcohol, and live the life you want to lead.
- For anyone wanting to take a break from alcohol
- Replacing bad habits with good ones
- Positive psychology approach
- You control your outcome
Is this like Alcoholics Anonymous?
Nope. In fact, OYNB is the complete opposite.
This is Alcoholics Anonymous
- For alcoholics
- Overcoming serious addictions
- Rigid 12-step programme
- Defers control to higher power
For those who need it, Alcoholics Anonymous is a great option. But we’re totally different.
I'd seen the adverts for OYNB appear on my Facebook and from some of the testimonials I read recognised myself. The online community has an amazing bunch of like-minded people. On a challenging day I know I can reach out and someone will respond.
It’s difficult to put into words how much OYNB has changed my life. Since I stopped drinking 10 months ago, I have lost 5 stone (70lb) in weight and completely reversed my high cholesterol and blood pressure. I’m sleeping better, my diet has improved and I’m a much better father and husband. I’ve got more energy than I know what to do with.
I had been having a niggly feeling in the back of my mind that I should give One Year No Beer a shot. I wanted to be the mum I have always wanted to. Now I love the time I spend with my children; I have energy for days when I am with them and we have the most fun.
I'd done Dry July once before but OYNB was different. The daily emails and video clips were full of tricks on how to recognise and avoid triggers and swap old habits for new ones. I am amazed at all the things I have achieved in the past year just because I gave up one thing - alcohol.
The perfect challenge to feel the physical and mental health benefits of going alcohol-free.
The ultimate challenge. If you're ready to transform your health and are committed to living life better - this one's for you.
The ultimate challenge. If you're ready to transform your health and are committed to living life better - this one's for you.
The ultimate challenge. If you're ready to transform your health and are committed to living life better - this one's for you.
Take 365-day challengeTake 90-day challenge
Quick Detox
Looking for a starting point to get you back on track? Our Quick Detox package is perfect for you.
28-day alcohol-free challenge
A scientifically designed and proven programme, where we take you on a journey, without alcohol, to help cleanse your mind, body and soul. This is built up of quick daily training videos and activities. Best bit? They’re brief enough to fit into any schedule, no matter how hectic.
Mocktail recipe book
If alcohol-free drinks take your fancy, then why not try out some of your own? This ebook provides 12 of the most popular, tried-’n’-tested mocktails, all super easy and quick to make—plus they’re delicious!
Lifetime access to Mindfulness 10
An additional online course, built up of 10 easy to follow daily sessions focused on improving mental health and refreshing daily self-care. The perfect companion for your journey.
Choose Quick Detox
Reset & Realign
Sometimes a quick fix isn’t enough, and you want to go deeper—rewriting the unhealthy behaviour patterns holding you back. If so, then great news: we’ve got you covered! Reset & Realign is our most popular package, designed specifically to give you long-lasting habit change in a manageable time frame.
90-day alcohol-free challenge
WORTH £109
A scientifically designed and proven programme, where we take you on a journey, without alcohol, to help cleanse your mind, body and soul. This is built up of quick daily training videos and activities. Best bit? They’re brief enough to fit into any schedule, no matter how hectic.
Mocktail recipe book
If alcohol-free drinks take your fancy, then why not try out some of your own? This ebook provides 12 of the most popular, tried-’n’-tested mocktails, all super easy and quick to make—plus they’re delicious!
Lifetime access to Mindfulness 28
An additional online course, built up of 28 easy to follow daily sessions focused on improving mental health and refreshing daily self-care. The perfect companion for your journey.
Choose Reset & Realign
Delivered by email and web app
Every challenge includes:
Every challenge includes:
Daily content and videos
- Get new content every day as you progress
- Watch the videos or read instead
- Access to guides, blog posts and resources on key topics
- Enjoy podcasts and audio programme content
- Everything from your challenge in one place
- A place to track your progress during the challenge
Free e-books like our Food and Nutrition Guide, the Caffeine-free Challenge and much more.
Choose your packageChoose your packageCopyright © 2024+ | One Year No Beer Ltd | All rights reserved.
Leah, UK: 67 days alcohol-free
Any of these ring a bell?
"The best money I ever spent." —Scot
We’ve designed our packages to help people achieve different things around their relationship with alcohol. For each programme, we guide you on how to stay completely alcohol-free for a set amount of time, and we also provide a host of tools and resources for extra support.
The core alcohol-free challenge is based on our own system, MEND: Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do. These four pillars form a holistic approach for the best and longest-lasting results.
After you sign up for a package, you’ll receive a welcome email containing links to:
- Our members’ area, so you can set up your account and choose your start date.
- Our Facebook and Slack communities (also available in the members’ area).
- The bundle resources you get as part of your package
Once your challenge begins, you’ll get access to the daily content. Each day you’ll see something different, from guidance and inspiration to ideas, exercises, tips and tricks. This will arrive as daily emails with short versions of that day’s content, and a link to our members’ area where you can read the full piece and watch the video.
Well, of course we’re biased—but our members definitely think so. Using positive psychology and behaviour change science, we help people shift their mindset and habits around alcohol. Many of our members couldn’t imagine taking any kind of break from drinking before. For them, the permanent change in their relationship with alcohol has been priceless.
Then there’s the incredible OYNB online community: the perfect accountability group. There you can get inspired by other people’s stories, reach out for support, share tips and experiences, and more. The community can be a key player in your success.
But how about this: plenty of our members find they save money through the challenge. Alcohol isn’t cheap. So signing up can be a great way to spend less, because you won’t be buying drinks (or anything else under the influence). That means it could actually work out easier on your pocket. And that’s on top of other benefits like losing weight, better sleep, boosted energy, and a clearer head!
Having questions or concerns about your relationship with alcohol isn’t a genetic thing. We’re not born that way—it’s something that builds up over time. And it can be changed. It’s harder for some than others, but it’s about rewriting the neural pathways that keep you stuck in limiting patterns.
Big life changes aren’t made in one go—they happen gradually, by repeating positive behaviour over and over. That’s why a large chunk of our programme is on how to build healthy, sustainable habits. We have a stack of game-changing tips and tricks to share with you!
Psychologically, there are two other factors that make you more likely to succeed when you sign up. First, external accountability: making a commitment to something outside yourself is often enough to keep you on track. And second, paying your hard-earned cash for it, because that signals to your brain that you’re serious and makes you feel literally more invested.
But don’t just take our word for it. Read some of our success stories here
Even if your end-goal is to just cut back your drinking, in order to get to a place where you can genuinely take it or leave it, it’s best to have a complete break.
Maybe you feel confident that you don’t drink that much, and you don’t have any issues controlling it. But in our society, alcohol is so ingrained into almost every social occasion, that it’s practically impossible to clearly understand your relationship until you see it from the outside.
Having total control over that relationship isn’t about abstinence, or willpower, or depriving yourself. It’s about loving not drinking as much as you love drinking, so you can freely choose between the two. And you can’t get to that place until you’ve fully explored the not drinking part.
We’re based in the UK, so our prices show in pounds sterling. The good news is that you can still pay as you would normally, and your bank will automatically convert your currency to British pounds. The price of the programme in your currency will depend on your bank’s exchange rate at the time you buy—calculate an estimate using this free converter.
All our payments are secured by 256-bit encryption, so yes your money is safe. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discover, but yes, you can choose to pay with PayPal if you prefer.
No problem. When you set up your members’ area account after signing up, you’ll be able to select any start date you like, and that start date is when your challenge and daily emails will kick off.
That’s entirely your call. Some members like to read the emails and watch the video each day; others prefer to work through a week at once over the weekend. The content varies, so there’s not always a task to do—sometimes it’s a thinking point, a conversation starter, or a motivational message. Whatever it is, it’s always up to you what you do with it!
Let’s get something straight. There is no ‘messing up’. At OYNB we adopt a growth mindset: every experience is a chance to learn and develop. That’s what keeps us moving forward. Sure, it means getting out of your comfort zone, but that’s how you learn! And prioritising learning over comfort helps you to be more resilient, because you know that when you make a mistake (and we all do), you haven’t failed—you just haven’t fully succeeded yet.
That’s why we prefer to use words like ‘slip-up’, and ‘blip’. Having one drink (or even a few) while you’re on a challenge doesn’t mean you have to start again—the important thing is to learn from it. Taking a moment to reflect can be enough to help you put in a plan for next time.
In practical terms, what happens if you slip up is… nothing at all. There’s no judgement from us or from other members. In fact, we highly recommend diving into the community, because you’ll hear so many similar experiences there.
Don’t worry, you won’t be out in the cold! If you want to stay with us after you finish your challenge, we offer a few options:
- Keep going! If you’re on Quick Detox, you’ll have the option to upgrade to Reset & Realign.
- Stay connected. If you want to stay without upgrading, you can keep connected in the Facebook or Slack groups with our community-only subscription (£4.99 per month).
- Explore further. If you’re keen to understand yourself on a deeper level, we have group or 1-2-1 coaching options (although these can be added to your package any time).
- Go for Complete Control. If you’re a high-achiever looking for an intensive, holistic full-life transformation, then our 8-week Complete Control programme might be for you.
But the most important thing to remember is that through the challenges we teach you concepts, techniques, practices and skills that you’ll have for life. So ultimately what you do with this new knowledge afterwards is up to you.
Absolutely. If you decide an OYNB package isn’t for you, just ask to cancel within 14 days for a full no-questions-asked refund.
Get in touch with the team by email at or via live chat here on the website, and we’ll sort it out for you.
Take alcohol out of the equation to…
- Reclaim your time from hangovers
- Feel healthier and look younger
- Feel less anxious and more resilient
of our members change their drinking habits
through one of our alcohol-free challenges
It’s hard to lose weight with alcohol’s empty calories and bad food choices sabotaging you.
Wine o’clock is a daily date… despite what you promise yourself the next morning.
Even just a couple of drinks can leave you feeling anxious and on edge.
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Here’s what our members say
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