80,000+ members, 138 countries

Thousands of people have transformed their relationship with alcohol using OYNB. Read about their journeys below!

I am in control, I am accountable – Claire Jones

I am in control, I am accountable – Claire Jones

I didn't find the challenge particularly difficult as the benefits were apparent very quickly and I wanted to keep building on what I had achieved. I joined OYNB after a culmination of events. I had witnessed the sad demise of a much-loved family member to alcohol. A...

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Life changing, magical and transformational – Phil Jordan

Life changing, magical and transformational – Phil Jordan

I no longer wish to spend a single moment doing anything that doesn’t excite me or drive my passion. I joined OYNB in April 2019. I had previously considered myself to be a typical drinker who drank at weekends and occasionally in the week. I had always been aware...

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My entire mindset has shifted – Julie Dawson

My entire mindset has shifted – Julie Dawson

OYNB is the best. I would not hesitate to recommend OYNB to anyone and everyone!! I joined OYNB 2 years ago after an especially heavy Sunday afternoon out with friends that went on well into Sunday evening. You know the afternoon I mean. The anticipation of going out...

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The beginning of the rest of my life – Selina

The beginning of the rest of my life – Selina

I live a life of colour, no longer numbed by the effects of alcohol I never considered myself as having a problem with alcohol, a child of an alcoholic mother, and a wife of an alcoholic husband, both of whom dying from alcohol related deaths. I had had a period of 12...

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I achieved all of that and more! – Naomi Morgan

I achieved all of that and more! – Naomi Morgan

I lost 3.3kg in three months, smashed loads of PB’s at the gym, sleep like a baby, have a clear head and great concentration, my skin looks amazing and my eyes really sparkle – that’s actually a thing!!  I started drinking at the age of 14, mainly white lightning and...

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I have learned to make myself a priority – Bimia Hammel

I have learned to make myself a priority – Bimia Hammel

I hung on every word of those ahead of me and took advice from those whom paved the way before me. Looking back now, I realise I have always had a tricky relationship with alcohol. Although it varied in intensity over the years, it has always been present in my life...

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