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Thousands of people have transformed their relationship with alcohol using OYNB. Read about their journeys below!

I genuinely don’t feel like drinking now—Heather Gupta

I genuinely don’t feel like drinking now—Heather Gupta

I was someone for whom one drink was never enough. One would always lead to at least three double gin and tonics, or more than a bottle of wine. Even on weekdays (I tried to limit my drinking to weekends only, but occasionally I slipped up), one glass would turn into...

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Life is so much richer now—Jessica Schmitt

Life is so much richer now—Jessica Schmitt

My relationship with alcohol has always been complicated.  Despite the relatively late start of having my first drink at age 19, I never mastered the art of ‘casual’ drinking. While I didn’t drink every day, it was often hard to find the off switch when I did. I’d do...

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My life has improved in countless ways—Rebecca Brown

My life has improved in countless ways—Rebecca Brown

Alcohol was not my problem. Alcohol was my solution. And that was the problem. For me, there wasn’t a rock bottom moment. I didn’t have any blackouts, but I did have a lot that I knew I’d missed out on. I’d been sliding down a slippery slope for 20 years. I was no...

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This time it felt different – Madeline Gibson

This time it felt different – Madeline Gibson

I learned a lot more than tips for giving up drinking through OYNB I had done Dry January before but this time it felt different. I was exhausted by the constant struggle of trying to make alcohol ‘work’. It knew it was getting in the way of me living my life to the...

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Free Video Series - The 4 Most Effective Mindset Hacks!

Get Immediate Access To A Free Video Guide Showing You The Most Effective Mindset Tricks To Effortlessly Conquer Your Relationship With Alcohol!

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