The OYNB Podcast
The OneYearNoBeer Podcast will inspire you to take, or support your journey on a 30, 90 & 365 day challenge to stop drinking and focus on healthy habits.
My relationship with alcohol has completely shifted – Jamie Hornbuckle
Day or night, you can find someone to support you in the group. I was a 1-2 nights per week binge drinker, I did it for the buzz. Every time I drank, I was looking for that feeling of being free and untethered from my responsibilities and “enjoying life”. I drank to...
Parents under pressure
Life can be stressful, chaotic and challenging even when you only have yourself to consider. Add in parental responsibilities? That is turning up the heat! There are a lot of expectations placed on parents. To raise well behaved children, to know what to do in high...
I feel empowered – Trisha Fox
I like myself, and feel I deserve a life *without* alcohol! I’d been a heavy drinker since my forties, when I was working in marketing communications. I did quite a few alcohol-free bouts, and they always ended with: “I deserve a bottle of nice winel.” That bottle...
The truth about hangovers
Ever had one too many the night before? Yup, then you’ve almost certainly experienced a hangover. You and every other adult you know, right? Thumping headache, dry mouth and only a fuzzy memory of what happened to get you there? Yes, my friend, that’s a hangover. And...
273 days into my alcohol-free challenge – Nigel Jones
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference The funny thing about this whole escapade is that I did not consider myself to have a drink problem, when I was part of the ‘drinking tribe’ – probably one of...
Could going alcohol-free be the key to being a better partner?
Whether you’re in a long term relationship, have just met someone new, or are looking for that special someone, being alcohol-free could make you a better partner. Relationships can be complicated, right? Two independent people meeting, blending their lives as a team,...
Everything about OYNB made sense to me – Teresa Fowler
To know they are proud of the changes I’ve made is the best feeling in the world. I woke up on the morning of June 28th, 2020 to a video my son, Matthew, had sent me. I had been drunk to the point of blacking out the night before, which had been becoming more and more...
Cravings: What they are, how they work and what you can do to stop them
Cravings testing your resolve? Catching you by surprise? Tempting you off course? We’ve got you. You can have all the willpower and determination in the world but when those pesky cravings come calling, they can really put you to the test. Understanding what’s going...
I was allowed to come to realisations on my own – Rachel Walczak
I was surrounded by one enormous hug that said to me “This is your journey, and we are here for you no matter what it looks like.” That is so powerful. Before joining OYNB, I was the kind of drinker that could never have just one. Or even five. I have always had a...
Understanding the habit loop: Change your habits
Do you find yourself doing things, just because that’s what you’ve always done? We introduce you to the habit loop. Habits are behaviours that are repeated so often, they become almost subconscious—they’re part of your routine and can be tricky to break. Some habits...
I feel like I have a superpower! – Shannon Johnson
I have invested in my own personal growth and the payoffs keep rolling in. Here’s the thing… I got into the habit of thinking that life was more fun with a drink, that drinking is a valid way to celebrate a win. Habits are funny things, doing things the way you have...
The OYNB methodology: Why are our challenges so effective?
Stopping drinking on your own can be difficult, but joining a movement with others across the globe? Now, that’s more like it! With a 95% success rate, our alcohol-free challenges are leaders in supporting people transform their relationship with alcohol and...
My life is unrecognisable compared to my drinking days – Nicola
I have safety for me and my children, self-worth, health, a job I love, more spare money… the list is endless. How marvellous it that?! Alcohol and excessive drinking is insidious. I was drinking well in excess of the recommended healthy units: about two glasses of...