The OYNB Podcast
The OneYearNoBeer Podcast will inspire you to take, or support your journey on a 30, 90 & 365 day challenge to stop drinking and focus on healthy habits.
Fit in my fifties: How combining BMF with OYNB has given me a new lease of life By Simon Marr
I heard about British Military Fitness from a friend: “You know those nutcases who run around the park with coloured bibs on? Yes, them.” I was...
My alcohol-free journey so far: Reactions, revelations, and how giving up alcohol let me see myself again By Ali Roff, Editor-at-Large at Psychologies Magazine
When Ali Roff started her alcohol-free journey seven weeks ago, she hoped its absence would allow her to build authentic self-confidence. But she could never have predicted the reactions and realisations she experienced along the way… When I first started writing for...
Alcohol: Abstinence or Moderation? by Daisy Steel
As I head towards the end of my 365-day challenge there is a question that I have been wrestling with. Should I continue on my alcohol-free journey or go back to drinking, but only on special occasions? The question of abstinence versus moderation was something that...
Who needs Botox? Why giving up alcohol transforms your skin
Expert review by:Dr Melissa OldhamIs alcohol bad for your skin? Many of our members ask "Is alcohol bad for your skin?" In this latest blog post we are going to look at how alcohol can affects the skin and we will hear about some of the benefits experienced after...
My big fat sober wedding By Psychologies Editor-at-Large Ali Roff
I’ve always loved weddings – these wonderful occasions that only happen ever so often feel rare and special to me. And I’m lucky enough to have a huge group of friends from University, which, now we’re in the wedding season of our lives, means that these are the times...
Peer pressure: Why do we get the urge to drink when we’re with our friends? by Daisy Steel
Ever since I quit alcohol, one of the questions I get asked all the time is: “What do you do at parties?”. The answer is, I ask for something soft. But that doesn’t make it easy. Last weekend I went to a festival with my husband and 12-year old son. It was the first...
3 ways to feel more alive by Ali Roff
After feeling sluggish for a few months, I decided enough was enough, and vowed to take back control of my energy levels. From spending time in nature to saying no to that Sunday evening glass of wine, could small changes allow me to begin to feel myself again? Here’s...
Mindfulness for an Alcohol-Free Summer Series: Practice 2 – Surfing the Urge by Ali Roff
Picture this. You arrive at a friend’s BBQ; the smoky air smelling like summer, and as your friend ushers you into the garden, the first thing you’re offered is, of course, a drink. This time last year you would have without hesitation requested your favourite tipple,...
Weight loss: Another unexpectedly awesome benefit of giving up drinking by Daisy Steele
When I quit drinking alcohol at the beginning of the year, I never expected my weight loss to be this dramatic. I imagined I might shed a pound or two, but over the last six months I’ve managed to drop a dress size and lose ten pounds. I’m wearing the jeans once...
8 AF weeks in: this is what I’ve learned during what has felt like a semi-miraculous turn around in my life
8 AF weeks in, this is what I’ve learned during what has felt like a semi-miraculous turn around in my life. A traumatic marriage break-up 2 years ago led to a major increase in my drinking, which I used to avoid what had happened. But about 6 months down the line I...
Mindfulness for an Alcohol-Free Summer Series: Practice 1 – Noticing Your Thoughts by Ali Roff
Mindfulness is all about being in the moment – but it’s not just about noticing the breeze on your skin and the sounds of the birds in the trees. In fact, we practice seeing these things so that we can begin to notice how we are inside – what we are feeling, thinking,...
The truth about alcohol and sleep by Daisy Steel
Today I have been alcohol free for 183 days and if you were to ask me what the biggest benefit has been, I would say sleep, sleep and more sleep. I have suffered from insomnia for years – often waking in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep, or spending...
A life less ordinary: How saying no to alcohol helped me find true success by Ali Roff
Could alcohol be holding you back achieving your dreams? Ali Roff shares how she created a life less ordinary by ditching the booze and cultivating real self-belief… I’ve never been that person who is the life and soul of the party – you’re more likely to find me in...