The benefits of taking cold showers

The benefits of taking cold showers

Believe it or not, there are a number of proven benefits to incorporating cold showers into your daily routine.  In today’s day and age when we have power and electricity at the push of a button, why might we want to revert back to taking an icy cold shower? It may...
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Random acts of kindness to brighten someone’s day

Random acts of kindness to brighten someone’s day

Doing something nice for someone else is a surefire way to put a smile on their face. As it's Random Acts of Kindness Day on 17th February, we thought we would remind ourselves of some nice things we can do for others to spread a little joy. These random acts of...
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A guide to creating and maintaining a good routine

A guide to creating and maintaining a good routine

You don’t need to wait for some auspicious date in the calendar to start living your best life with a tailor-made routine! Thanks to this new world we are living in, there are more of us working from home than ever before. While we might still have to ‘clock on’ and...
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Healthy, immune boosting recipes to try at home

Healthy, immune boosting recipes to try at home

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘You are what you eat’? Well, it is not too far from the truth. What foods you put into your body matters, as this is what fuels your daily functions – such as your immunity. Maintaining a healthy diet with nutritious foods is...
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