The work environment can be an unforgiving one. It isn’t always peaches and rainbows, even with a dream job. Naturally, nothing can be perfect. But why shouldn’t you do your best to make the work experience as best as possible? 

Creativity plays a significant role in how well you do your job. At times, creativity levels aren’t high. Say you’re having issues outside of work and you simply can’t focus. What exactly can help if that problem can’t be solved at the moment? Music! 

Music is the answer in many situations in life. Whatever happens, after some time, music starts helping. So, today, we’re looking at how music can help you be more productive at work. Besides, if you’ve got some free time – why not go for some music lessons? Should be a relaxing hobby as well.

What does Research say About Music and Productivity?      

Teresa Lesiuk is a professor at the University of Miami, specialising in music therapy programs. She researches the topic of music’s effect on performance at work. If we take a look at her research and the conclusion she’s reached, it’s obvious that music does have an impact on work performance.

Those who listened to music managed to complete their tasks quicker than those people who didn’t, while also displaying a better understanding of the subject. However, music can have a negative effect on performance, but this depends on the type of music and the environment. But we aren’t talking about that today; we’re talking about the positive effects!

How Music Can Help You Be More Productive at Work

There are many ways that music can influence your work performance and overall feeling while working. In this section of the article, we’ll be going over some of the most important and impactful ones. 

Helps to Create Personal Space: Music can be very powerful. In some cases, music can help you isolate certain aspects of your life and generally improve your outlook. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by people, work, anything – listening to music can alleviate these issues fairly easily (given time). So, some personal space is always a good idea, especially at work!

Getting Into That Flow: Mihály Csíkszentmihályi was the first one who introduced the term ‘flow state'. This term describes the best and most optimal experience where you’re entirely invested in the task at hand. Music, in this case, makes it easier for you to reach this state. And once you’re in the flow, everything seems just a little bit easier. 

Enhance Your Mood: Mood swings are a completely normal thing, at work and home. Anything can happen in life, and it usually does, and music is capable of making you feel better. Most people play their favourite songs (or the ones they can connect with) when the going gets tough. Remember that the next time you’re having a hard time, trying to find your creativity and colour!

Relieving Anxiety in the Workplace: As said before, working in an enclosed environment no matter how friendly can get ‘claustrophobic.’ Sometimes, things just go wrong, and you can’t feel good about yourself. Anxiety is a major issue at work, all around the world; people always feel like their performance is judged, and they’re under even more stress to do everything correctly. 

Helps You Regain Concentration at Work: Staying concentrated at work all the time while also looking over the tasks given to you is rather impossible. You’re bound to lose focus at one point during the day, but with music, the possibility for this is lowered. Let’s say a meeting happens that derails your plans; the best way to get back on track is to play some relaxing songs and refocus on the task at hand!

Music Improves Morale and Work Environment: It’s no fluke that athletes and physically active people listen to music when working out, practicing, or preparing for a competition. Good music can give you a healthy boost in motivation and morale. If you listen to music at home to relax – why not do it at work as well (provided you are allowed to do that).

The Types of Music You Should Listen to at Work:

As we mentioned before, not all music positively influences people. But these 5 categories are enough to give you peace of mind, extra strength, focus, whatever you need.

  • Classical

No words in classical music mean no distractions of any sort! Listening to music with words can confuse and mess up concentration. Some amazingly complex yet heavenly-sounding songs from the greats of classical music (Mozzart, Bach, Bethoven…) and your mind will be as calm as a breeze.

  • Epic Music

Epic music can provide a massive boost in enthusiasm and morale. It’s called epic for a reason! Listen to these word-less beats when you’re working and get the blood pumping! An excellent choice for those that need an extra oompf!

  • Ambient Soundtracks

Ambient soundtracks have calming sounds, repetitive melodies, and soothing bass-lines – perfect for relaxation and stress relief. Some say this can also alleviate headaches, but this is unproven as of yet. In any case, ambient soundtracks have a feeling of magic to them and can transform your work experience into something better.

  • Music Between 50 and 80 Beats Per Minute

Dr. Emma Gray, a cognitive behavioural therapist, has concluded her research into which music types bring which benefits. Her findings were that music between 50 and 80 beats per minute essentially puts the brain in a specific state, the Alpha State. Basically, when you listen to this type of music, you end up in deep thoughts and unintentionally not hear the music. Weird, but positive!

  • Nature

And finally, nature sounds. What to say? The sounds of nature wake up something primordial in human beings; something deep within us. A feeling of peace presides, and life appears better. You can also joke around with your co-workers and prank them!


So if music can have such a positive impact on so many areas of our working lives, as research suggests, why not make this proposal in the next team meeting and get everyone feeling positive and productive!



About the author: Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music.



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