Please note OneYearNoBeer is not for alcoholics or people who have developed a physical dependency. For anyone who feels this way please seek professional help.

BUT – OYNB is for everyone else. From 18 – 108 we are here to tell you it’s never too late or too early to quit.

Of course the longer your drinking career the more ingrained these habits are. BUT drinking alcohol is a habit and habits can be broken, changed and replaced with new healthy enjoyable ones.

You will never know how much better and healthier your life could be unless you try.

Our older members rave about their new found energy and vitality. Whilst many of our younger recruits love being on top of their game both in and out of work.

Whatever way you look at this. Giving up alcohol for an extended period, is nothing but ‘good’ for you.

What is critically important to understand is that trying to wing it will not work. This is why OYNB is here. We are your excuse, support and training zone. To help you prepare and get the most out of a booze free existence.

All we ask is that you commit to 90 days. Just 3 months of your life. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Then at the end of the 90 days you can decide, having seen both sides of the argument, if you want to push on for the year or never drink again.

We support your evermore. Come and join us – sign up today.

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